Posted 8 months ago
Wed 03 Jul, 2024 09:07 AM
Thank you to everyone who entered the competition, there were so many great ideas on how to make the uni living experience feel more like home. We will be sharing your ideas with the fresh batch of first years coming in September, so your contributions will be going to a good cause!
Unfortunately, there can be only one winner but fortunately for this person they have one a £50 e-voucher! Congratulations to...
Milad Mousazadehgavan
Milad had some great advice:
"Starting a new chapter in a new place can be exciting, but it can also feel a bit overwhelming! One thing I've learned is that making your dorm room feel like home is key to settling in and enjoying your time here. Pack a few items that remind you of your family, friends, or favourite places. A photo, a blanket, or even a small piece of artwork can make a big difference in making your space feel more personal. Hang up some posters, put up some fairy lights, or use some colourful storage bins. Making friends in your hall can instantly make your room feel more like a home away from home as well. Say hello, invite them over for a study session or a movie night, and create a welcoming atmosphere."
Keep an eye out for the next competiton in July!
Original article below...
It's that happy sad time of packing up, moving out, and on to your next adventure (make sure to check out our moving out guide!).
You may remember back in September, when you had just moved into your room at Sanctuary Students and this was your new home for the next year. There will be new students in the same position soon, so we're asking you for your wisdom on how to turn a house into a home, or rather, a room into a 'hoom' (see what we did there?).
All you have to do to enter our competition is send us your best tips and tricks to help freshers settle into their new room (e.g. how did you make your room feel like home).
Submit your tips by completing the form below!
Competition closes on Sunday 30th June and a winner will be picked out in the following weeks. The advice you give may appear in an article to help new students when they move in this Septemeber.