Unusual ways to deal with anxiety

Posted 11 months ago

(Results may vary but could be a laugh.)

This year the theme for mental health awareness week is anxiety (15th - 21st of May), something which we all have to deal with. It's perfectly natural to feel anxious at times but it can at the worst of times be overwhelming and prevent us from living the lives we want. You probably already know the common techniques people put in place to combat their anxiety but what about the weird ones? Here are some of the weirdest techniques that might actually help you.

Use the imaginary balloon

The balloon is your new imaginary best friend that will help you master the art of controlled breathing to calm yourself down if you are ever having an anxiety attack. What you do is imagine a balloon inside you, just below your belly button. You then inflate the balloon by breathing in slowly for 3 seconds, raising your hands above your head like you too are being blown up. Then out for 3 seconds to deflate the balloon. Repeat this a few times and before you know it, you'll feel a lot calmer and centred. Imagining the balloon also helps you focus your mind away from whatever is causing you anxiety.

Chow down on weird snacks

The power of food has no bounds and sometimes all you need is that one snack to make everything feel better. We don't normally think too hard about why we like certain foods over others but a big factor is association. Without even realising it, in your mind you may have linked a certain food with a fond memory. So every time you eat that food, you will instantly feel naturally calmer. The only issue is you have no control over what food that is, so it usually ends up being something weird. Don't fret, just stock up and chow down whenever you are in need.

Learn German

Guten tag (good day)! Now you may be thinking, how does learning to speak German have anything to do with managing anxiety? And that's a very valid question but hear us out - having a fresh hobby/learning something completely new will refocus that anxiety into positive energy. Learning is an exercise for the brain and when you take on a new challenge you are giving your brain the best workout possible. That's why learning a new language is really useful for anxiety, you can even do it on the go with apps like Duolingo

Hold ice in your mouth

They're just getting weirder and weirder as we go down the list but yes, holding an ice cube in your mouth could help you deal with your anxiety. Not the most practical way if you're out and about but if you have some ice on hand then holding it inside your mouth for a few seconds can calm you down by cooling you down. The intense feeling of the cold can be distracting as well as your mind is more preoccupied with the cube rather than whatever was making you feel anxious.

Talk to your pillow

If all else fails then it's time to start chatting to an inanimate object. This might seem crazy but there's actual logic to this method! It's all about being able to vent about what's causing you anxiety without any interruptions or opinions. Doing so can help clear your mind and determine what you need to do in order to solve your issues. It's essentially thinking out loud but in a fun way. Just make sure you let your housemates know that's what you doing so they don't think you've lost your mind...

Even though these methods are maybe not normal, it is normal to feel anxious at times. If it's affecting your life and causing distress, don't be afraid to get help (and try one of these, why not).