Why a healthy breakfast is important

Posted 6 months ago

The most important meal of the day!

Kickstart your day with a nutritious meal, and instantly see the benefits of this simple yet impactful change in your routine. Your body and mind will thank you later!

The life of a university student is a whirlwind of classes, assignments, and social activities. Amid this hustle and bustle, it's easy to skip breakfast or settle for a quick sugary snack to keep you going. However, taking a few extra minutes in the morning to enjoy a wholesome breakfast can make a world of difference in your academic journey. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of a healthy breakfast and provide some affordable and easy-to-prepare breakfast options for you.

Make sure to check with your reception for healthy breakfast options and freebies throughout October!

The benefits of a healthy breakfast

  1. Improved concentration and focus - Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast helps sharpen your concentration and focus during lectures and study sessions. It provides the brain with essential nutrients and energy, making it easier to absorb and retain information.
  2. Enhanced energy levels - A balanced breakfast replenishes your body's glucose levels, giving you a much-needed energy boost to power through the morning. This can help combat that mid-morning energy slump, helping you stay alert and productive.
  3. Weight management - Contrary to the misconception that skipping breakfast can help with weight loss, it can actually lead to overeating later in the day. A healthy breakfast kickstarts your metabolism, curbing those unhealthy cravings and helping you maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Better mood and stress management - Nutrient-rich breakfasts can positively impact your mood and reduce stress. A well-fed body is better equipped to handle the day's challenges, leading to reduced anxiety and irritability.
  5. Balanced nutrition - Breakfast provides an opportunity to incorporate essential nutrients into your diet. A balanced meal can include carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, ensuring your body gets what it needs.

Affordable and easy breakfast options

  1. Oatmeal - A bowl of oatmeal is an excellent choice. It's not only budget-friendly but also packed with fibre, keeping you full until your next meal. Customize it with toppings like fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of honey for added flavour and nutrients.
  2. Yoghurt parfait - Layer yoghurt with granola and fresh fruits for a quick and tasty breakfast. Greek yoghurt is an excellent choice as it's rich in protein and probiotics.
  3. Whole-grain toast - Spread peanut butter or avocado on whole-grain toast. It's a simple yet nutritious option that provides a combination of healthy fats and protein.
  4. Smoothies - Blend together fruits, yoghurt, and a handful of spinach for a nutritious and portable breakfast. You can prepare your smoothie the night before and grab it on your way out the door.
  5. Scrambled eggs - Eggs are not only affordable but also a great source of protein. Scramble them with vegetables like bell peppers, spinach, and tomatoes for a balanced breakfast.