Posted 1 year ago
Tue 05 Mar, 2024 08:03 AM
We've put together this FAQs article to cover the main questions students are asking about their accommodations.
Check them out below ⬇️
0141 895 3390 / mssv@sanctuary/ or in person at the central services building.
Your full address will be on your arrival envelope but it will likely contain these details:
Your flat name or number,
Murano Street Student Village,
13 Caithness Street,
G20 7SB
Your post/parcels will be delivered directly to your flat. Reception will not accept parcels so make sure to detail your specific flat for postage.
Bike sheds on-site at Campie and Lomond blocks.
Every week on Tuesday at 2pm.
Form to be completed and submitted to the office 3 days over a 7-day period,
flatmates must be in agreement - 1 guest per flat.