How Alliance House is encouraging eco-friendliness

Posted 2 years ago

5 ways they are doing their part to think green

1. Recycling bins

One of the easiest ways to do your part for the planet is to put your recyclables in the correct bin. There are many recycling points around Alliance House, complete with instructions about what can and cannot be recycled.

2. Clothing bank for charity

The scope of recycling extends beyond our papers and plastic. You can do good for the planet as well as for various causes by donating to a charity donation point near you. Oftentimes there is a list on the bank itself detailing what kind of donations they look for. However, if there isn’t, you can always search this up online.

3. Green space

Alliance House isn’t only located directly opposite a park, but it also contains outside seating on grassy areas and some indoor plants. Why not consider getting a plant for yourself? There are many different types to suit your plant skills – or lack of plant skills.

4. Saving water

From being mindful when using the tap to using a reusable bottle, there are a number of ways that Alliance House encourages you to preserve water and limit plastic waste. By the sinks in the kitchen and rooms, you will see a sticker detailing how to properly ensure your tap is turned off. No more drips!

5. Informative posters

You can find a variety of informative posters around the accommodation, providing residents with information on easy switches they can make to their lifestyle. Alliance House too, despite its great access to transport links, encourages residents to use bicycles. You can find posters about bike registration as well as a number of bike sheds within the accommodation grounds.

You don’t have to save the world to feel as though you’re making a difference. It’s the little changes and mindful moments that we incorporate into each day that add up to equal something big. How could you make a change today?