How to live sustainably as a student

Posted 7 months ago

Whilst saving cash too!

Contrary to popular belief, embracing sustainability at university doesn't require you to dedicate lots of your time, money and energy. It actually does the opposite! There are a bunch of straightforward and fantastic methods which you can implement at uni to support both the environment and your budget. Here are some of the easiest ones we'd recommend.

Shop for pre-loved items (and sell your own)

No doubt, you'll want to get yourself some fresh outfits while you're at uni. Opting for second-hand shopping over fast fashion is a cool way to be eco-friendly and snag some sweet deals.

Instead of splurging on pricey designer labels, you can hit up charity shops or hop online to places like Facebook Marketplace, Depop, and Vinted to give old clothes a second shot at life (you'll often stumble upon lots of hidden gems).

Plus, don't just throw away your unwanted threads; consider selling, donating, or recycling them instead of tossing them in the bin. And if you've got some garments in need of a little TLC, why not pick up some basic sewing skills to patch up holes and replace missing buttons?

Cut out single-use plastics

Plastic pollution is a major environmental headache, and not all plastics can go through the recycling process. That's why it's a smart move to cut back on single-use plastics whenever you can. Luckily, there are plenty of greener and wallet-friendly alternatives out there.

Take, for example, the Ecoegg – a fantastic reusable go-to for replacing your usual laundry detergent and fabric softener. It's a real champ, lasting up to 70 washes before needing a refill, and can spare you from trashing up to 40 plastic bottles each year! You might also consider swapping out liquid shower gels for soap bars in cardboard packaging and using reusable flannels instead of disposable wipes.

You could also switch to wooden or bamboo toothbrushes, ditch plastic straws in favour of metal ones, and embrace reusable bags, cups, and bottles. Your uni will likely be running programmes to encourage less single-use plastics as well, such as getting a free coffee if you bring in a reusable coffee cup.

If possible, walk it!

Are you a regular for taking public transport to get to uni? Well, if your campus is within walking distance of your place, you could pocket some cash and cut down on emissions by walking there instead! Plus, public transport can be a bit hit-or-miss at times, so walking might actually be more chill and enjoyable (who wants to miss a lecture due to a traffic jam?).

You could also choose to cycle which is another eco-friendly and active way to zip around your city. It can even be faster than public transport during those jam-packed days! Bikes are an investment though but if it means you don't need to pay for public transport anymore, it will pay off in the long term.

Eat less meat

It might sound surprising, but seriously, just easing up on the meat can do wonders for our planet. The United Nations says that over 30% of the world's land is dedicated to raising and taking care of animals for food, and that adds up to about 9% of CO2 and those nasty greenhouse gases. Meat is also generally more expensive than veg, so you'll save more money by eating less. You don't have to cut it out completely but we'd recommend trying more veg-based meals and you will see the effects instantly.

So with these simple tips, you'll be able to live sustainably at university. Check out our green newsletter for more information on how you can help the environment.